
At Trinity United Church, we strive to make worship meaningful for everyone.  Our services typically include music, prayer, scripture readings and messages.  Music is a big part of our service.  Our senior choir is accompanied by piano, organ and occasionally special guest musicians.  The fourth Sunday of each month is led by our praise band (Second Chance).

Everyone is welcome – young and old, gay, transgender, straight, or new to church.  We encourage people to take part, welcoming those around them, reading scripture which sometimes includes dramas to make it come alive, leading the prayers of the people and children’s story time.  Our minister weaves her message around the scripture readings and ties it in with our everyday living.  We serve communion once a month.  Attached is a sample bulletin for one of our services.  You are invited to come and check us out.  Services start at 10:45 Sunday mornings except in the summer when we switch to 9:30 a.m.  We would love to meet you.