
Trinity’s Constitution

Listed below is a brief description of the Board and Committees of Trinity United. If you wish further information, please contact the church office 269-1632.


The Board oversees the spiritual direction and the management of the church. It includes the ministers and about 20 volunteers who represent the committees, trustees, youth, and Presbytery representatives.

Christian Education

The Christian Education Committee is primarily a policy-setting and decision-making body for education programming for the congregation of Trinity United by: exploring the Christian Education needs of the community; setting Christian Education goals, planning and promoting educational initiatives and supporting and evaluating programs.


Fosters fellowship within the Trinity congregation through: a) coffee Sundays  b) welcoming newcomers  c) overseeing pastoral care programs  such as candles with care, prayer shawl ministry, funeral luncheons and caring connections.


The Fundraising committee ensures that the objectives of fundraising are met: funds, fellowship, connectedness to and ownership of Trinity by members of the congregation, and also advertising of the Church.

Ministry & Personnel

The Ministry and Personnel Committee is a mandatory committee required by the bylaws of The United Church of Canada in every Pastoral Charge. It is a confidential, consultative body that supports and supervises the ministry staff, as well as other paid staff and independent contractors.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee reviews the leadership needs of the church. They encourage congregants to express their faith through the life and work of the church, by participating in its committees and the Official Board.

Outreach Committee

The Outreach Committee acts as a liaison between the congregation and the larger community by reaching out to people in need, organizing information events for the congregation, promoting the Mission and Service Fund, and supporting peace and justice inter-denominational organizations.


The Property committee is responsible for the physical maintenance of the church and maintaining contracts and leases.


The Stewardship Committee prepares and recommends to the Official Board an annual budget and Mission and Service fund objective; monitors expenditures; secures commitment and participation in the mission of the church by the congregation and arranges for banking and financing needs of the congregation.


The Worship Committee reviews and supports the various components of worship.  This includes:

  • providing input and ideas for regular and specific/special worship services eg.  Advent, Christmas Eve, Lent, Easter sunrise
  • providing a music liaison to communicate between the music providers in the church ie. Choir director, accompanist, Senior choir, Second Chance, and Trinity Tones and the Worship Committee
  • coordinating ushers, greeters, and readers for worship services
  • coordinating servers and providing elements for communion
  • ensuring replacement leadership for worship when ministers are away
  • coordinating service music selection teams to assist in selection of hymns and service music for worship
  • facilitating baptism, confirmation and transfer of membership
  • participating in planning intergenerational services along with other congregational volunteers representing a variety of demographics